Best Educational Science Kits
Greta Posted on:-23-02-21 Collections, Top Lists

Here we are looking at the best educational science kits to help children with lockdown learning. With these science kits, your children will be learning Biology, Chemistry, and Physics while they play!
Botany Experimental Greenhouse
Learn about plants and seeds by conducting experiments in a specially designed botanical laboratory with greenhouse domes. Assemble the domed greenhouses, complete with thermometers and ventilation. Construct an automatic watering system to keep your plants from getting too thirsty. Grow beans, cress, and zinnia flowers, and learn how each plant has different needs.
Litmus Paper Science Kit
The Magnoidz Litmus Paper Science Kit is the perfect gift for a budding chemist! Learn all about chemistry with Magnoidz! Magnoidz Science Kits provide a fun learning experience to challenge inquisitive minds. This fun and educational kit contains components to carry out 5 experiments detailed in the included Educational Resource booklet. Discover the world of Chemistry with this intriguing science kit and learn about the differences in the three liquid properties; acid, neutral and alkaline.
Light Painting Crayon
Create incredible light paintings with the Light Painting Crayon with 6 inter-changeable nibs. Paint any images or words and capture your creations on any smart device, using the Free Long Exposure Technology. The Light Painting Crayon works with a downloadable app and a smartphone camera that lets the user create coloured drawings against a dark background. This product extends learning about the nature of light, part of the National Curriculum for Science at Key Stages 1 and 2.
Magnetic Science
This science experiment kit contains many magnets of different shapes and sizes, and a variety of other components with which you can explore this classic scientific subject. Experiment to determine which materials are magnetic and which are not. Learn about magnetic poles and magnetic fields. Discover how Earth behaves like one giant magnet, and how we use compasses to take advantage of this phenomenon to determine which way is north. Conduct a series of experiments to learn firsthand how magnets behave and interact under different conditions. Make invisible magnetic fields visible using iron filings in an enclosed transparent box. Build an electromagnet to learn how electricity relates to magnetism.
Stepping Into Science
Begin a lifetime of scientific investigation and understanding with 25 fun experiments in five key areas: nature, physics, chemistry, air, and water. With a 48-page guidebook, Stepping into Science teaches science fundamentals with step-by-step, hands-on experiments, while also introducing children to the scientific method itself. Learn what plants need in order to grow, build a barometer, see how water climbs, watch plants sweat, and investigate plant propagation. Discover how a magnifying glass enlarges, how colours mix, how static electricity attracts, how sundials tell time, and how a motion picture works. And so much more!
Gross Science
The extremely gross science set with 10 totally gross activities including creating a life-size wobbly brain, make a stomach vomit, and watch a burp in action. Check out Really Gross Science and Ultimate Gross Science too for even more gross experiments!