Quirk Review
Lexi Posted on:-07-08-23 Reviews,
In QUIRK! By Gibsons Games we are waddling, squawking, and roaring our way to set collecting victory! Be the player with the most QUIRKS! by the time they’re all on display and you are the QUIRKIEST player around!
How To Play
Similar to those well-known games of our childhood, Go Fish and Happy Families, we are trying to make sets of 3 matching character cards (QUIRKS!) by taking cards from other players. BUT, unlike those games, we can’t just simply ask another player for their Yetis or their Walruses on our turn…oh no, we have to act out the creature we want to steal!
Noises, impersonations, and miming are allowed and positively encouraged but words are a big no no! So, on your turn, you decide who you are going to “ask” and set about doing your best impression of the character you want. If the target player doesn’t have the cards asked for (because they have to give up all of that type in their hand if they do!), the asking player gets told to “go QUIRK!” and pick up from the deck.
For added QUIRK!-iness there are also cheeky Mischief cards that can be played on each other and mix up the game play even more – these include blocking a steal, making another player use only sounds and not actions etc.
When all thirteen QUIRKS have been laid out on the table in front of the players, the game is over. Whoever has collected the most QUIRKS! overall is the winner!
Final Thoughts
We have such fun playing QUIRK! Inside the box are 112 cards making 26 character sets in total. What’s cool is that they’re split into two decks and one has slightly harder-to-impersonate creatures so you can select the difficulty type based on player age. Alternatively, you can mix them altogether and have an epic 26 QUIRK! game!
Watching my husband “swimming” around the room, and our son hanging upside down pretending to be a sloth is hilarious. The dog thinks we are mad (although she knew that already!), and even Nanny has been getting in on the actions! The mischief cards also add an extra strategic dimension. Being able to steal (and block!) and change what someone can do on their turn is sneaky in the most fun sense.
What’s also interesting is that this limited communication game is all about interpretation. As such, if you think the other player wants sharks but actually they were impersonating puffer fish, you might send them to “go QUIRK!” and pick up a card! Which sounds like a step-backwards for them, but it might be just what they needed. After all, they might pick up a creature that completes a QUIRK! Or gives them access to making new QUIRKS.
The box and cards are bright and bold and the artwork is super cartoony. QUIRK! is a colourful, fun, noisy, silly family card game that we really enjoy whatever our age (or acting ability!).
This blog was written by Favouritefoe